Sell your unique content on the easy Uquid NFTs platform with few clicks: 

1. Go to UQUID Digital Shop via the link: 

2. Login your account 

3. Click "Account" button. Then click "NFT Asset" button. 

4. Click "ADD" to create your NFT asset. Fill in blank box. Upload assets: Upload the asset you want to transform into an NFT in image / video / audio formats) 

5. Click "Create" button. Read terms & conditions carefully. Then click "Understand". Fast minting: Once the transaction has been confirmed, you will now be able to see you're minted NFT on your profile. 

6. IPFS listing: Your asset will automatically be sent to IPFS, a peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol designed for sharing data in a distributed way. 

7. NFT on sell: This is the last step of listing. Your content will be ready to sell.