Step 1: Kindly direct to FreeFire official support to submit a ticket regarding this issue. To submit a request/ticket, please click on the "Sign In" button to proceed.


Step 2: Kindly choose your login method and proceed.

Note: Only players linked accounts will be able to submit requests. If you use a guest account we recommend you to link it to one of the available options (link to FB, VK, Google, Huawei, Apple, or Twitter). 


Step 3: Once you have logged in, kindly click on the arrow next to your nickname and choose the "SUBMIT A REQUEST" option from the dropdown menu.


Step 4: Kindly choose your game client version/region. [Example: Singapore]. Your Free Fire account UID and in-game Nickname are pre-filled, you cannot change the data in the following fields.mceclip11.png

Step 5: Kindly choose the type of request from the dropdown list shown. 
Note: The scope of support is limited to the issues listed above. Requests for issues not listed above and/or submitted wrongly will not be entertained.

Step 6: Kindly click on "Payment Issue" to proceed. For diamonds not received, FreeFire customer support agents will need the following information:

  • Player ID:
  • In-game Name:
  • Screenshot/Information of your Payment:

Step 7: Once submitted successfully, kindly wait for the team to check and respond. 


How to check on replies from the FreeFire team regarding ticket(s) sent?

Step 1: Kindly tap on your Nickname and choose "MY REQUESTS" from the dropdown list.


Step 2: Once clicked, you may see all requests that you had submitted. Kindly click the request to view replies/respond.


For any questions/inquiries on the payments, accountsor game concerns, kindly directly contact the FreeFire Support Team for further assistance.